Monday, November 3, 2008

The Art Of Puppy Picking

Hi all!

Yesterday we went to see the Collie puppies, one of which we are (Hopefully) going to buy. The mother and father, and the puppies, belong to my mum's friend. We've been up to see them before. Last time we saw them they were about the size of a Guinea Pig, maybe a bit smaller, and they didn't have their eyes open because they were only a week old. When we were up at the farm (the one that belongs to my mum's friend and the place where the puppies are) I also got to meet the mother and father. The father, Cap, which is short for Captain, is big for a Border Collie and he has brown circles above his eyes as little "eyebrows." He is extremely friendly and loves to play fetch, using whatever he finds around the farm, with me. He is very energetic and, er, bouncy. The mother, Jess, is a real sweetie; old, calm, and a great mum; she lets people go into her kennel, get her puppies out and hold them! (and she doesn't bark, bite or do anything!)

So we went back up to see the puppies again yesterday. That was what we did first. We went up to the barn where the puppies are, and got them out. They had grown a bit, but they were still TINY. Their eyes were open (I think) and they still hadn't quite found their feet; their front legs dragged them along well, but they didn't seem like they were able to use their back legs. They were so cute. Mum chose a favourite, which was the quietist.

Next we went for va walk around the farm. Cap was playing fetch with me the whole time, and he found this massive stick to play fetch with (he likes the biggest sticks best).

Finally, we went back to see the puppies. We held lots; mum hel her favourite, and I held, of them. After, we put them down and watched them suckle and get their milk. One of them even suckled upside down!!! After that, we held them again. I held the runt of the litter and Jess held who she had called "Splott." mum held her favourite again. We said that the two we wanted were the runt that I was holding and the one mum was holding. Obviously, I wanted the one I was holding and Mum wanted the one she was holding. The puppies must have been tired, because mums curled into a perfect ball and had a snooze! Mine, after trying to suckle on my thumb, dug it's head into the fleece-like material on the inside ofd my coat, stretched out, made a few funny noises, and slept. They were so sweet.

By the way, here are some facts about them...
  • They are all tri-colour.
  • We chose the two we chose because they were quiet (unlike "Splott" who was very active).
  • There are two (a boy and a girl) who are big like their father.
  • There is only one boy.

I took a picture f all the babies suckling and of me with a puppy, and I'll post them soon.

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